Courses and records

Club Records

Hill Climb Records 2023.xlsx

Road Race Records 2023.xlsx

Time Trial Records 2024

From 1 Jan 2022, all records claimed are on the riders actual age on the day of the race.

GVC 10 TT Course - Cobo

GVC 10 TT Course

Course Distance: 10 Miles
Start approximately 50 yards south of junction with Cobo Road and Cobo Coast Road. Proceed South to TURN through Pleinmont lay-by and retrace to finish on Vazon side of Albecq at junction with Sous Les Courtils. 

Perelle 5TT Course

Course Distance: 5 Miles

Start on coast road North of Hotel L'Atlantique at junction with Biloterie Road. Proceed South on coast road TURN through lay-by at Pleinmont. Retrace to finish at slipway at Route de la Rocque. 

15TT Course

LES VARDES 15 MILES: - Start outside Les Vardes Farm Hotel and proceed South along coast road to TURN at the mark at the south end of the Pleinmont lay-by in Rue de la Lague (probably marked by a small traffic cone) and retrace to finish by start.

25TT Course

NEW 25TT Course 

Start at 10TT Start Cobo - south to Rocquaine 10TT Turn, North to Houmet Turn, South to Rocquaine 10TT turn North to finish along Vazon coast road

Vazon Coudre Combined

Start/Finish at Shingle Bank 

Head South to Coudre, left up Coudre, follow road to filter then straight and left into Route De Tourelle, Left at Les Grons, Right at Les Prevost, Left at Hougue Fouque crossroads, Left at St Andrews Church and then left to Talbot Valley, Left at Kings Mills, right into Gele Road, then slip road to join Vazon Coast road and on to finish. 

Vazon 5TT Course

Start/Finish at Surfers Car Park - Vazon - Head south to Lihou Turn and return to Finish

Coudre Circuit

Course Distance: 4.875 Miles
Start at Roque Poisson/Saline shingle area. Proceed South and turn left up Coudre Hill. Continue to Route des Sages, Rue de L'Eglise and Rue des Brehauts to turn left opposite the HSBC Bank and proceed West along Les Paysans Road. Continue down L'Eree Hill and turn left at L'Eree Hotel to return to start. 

L'eree Circuit

Course Distance: 7.75 Miles
Start at Pleinmont lay-by turn left up Pleinmont Hill to Mallard Hotel and turn left to L'Eree and left back to start. 

Perelle Circuit Short

Course Distance: 2.082 Miles
Start approximately 600 yards North of Fort Saumarez on Route de la Rocque. Proceed south to L'Eree Hotel and turn left into L'Eree Hill and take first left into Route de la Felconte. Proceed over hill and turn left at the bottom junction and left again at Perelle Garage to return to start. 

Reservoir Circuit

Course Distance: 6-5-Miles Start at St Saviours Community Centre, and proceed past St. Saviours Church along Les Buttes and Les Prevosts Road, sharp right onto Route de Hougette and turn left at Hougue Fouque cross-roads and onto St. Andrews Church. Bear left and proceed down Talbot Valley and through Kings Mills. Go straight over the Dos D'Ane to Mont Saint, sharp left after Mont Saint Garage past the Reservoir to return to the start.

Perelle Long

Start/Finish at Shingle Bank

1 Lap 4.86 Miles
Head towards L'eree hotel, left up L'eree Hill, left over La Felconte, straight through at yellow line along Grande Rue and up Le Mont Saint, down Dos D'ane to yellow line at Gele Road Junction, then left along Gele Road to slip road to join coast road and then proceed to finish. 

L'eree/Vazon Combined

Start/Finish has multiple locations either Rocquaine, top of Pleinmont Hill or end of the Torteval Church Field then left at Mallard Filter,  right into Route de Tourelle, Left at Les Grons, Right at Les Prevost, left at Hougue Fouque, left at St Andrews Church, Left in Talbot Valley, left at Kings Mills, right at Gele Road, left into Slip road to join Coast road to Start/Finish 

Talbot Loop

Course Distance: 5.2 Miles
Start at Les Buttes and Les Prevosts Road (Start/ finish under trees), sharp right on to La Route du Houquet and turn left at Hougue Fougue crossroads and on to St Andrews Church. Bear left and proceed down Talbot Valley and through Kings Mills. Turn left up Le Route de la Hurette and follow road through. Turn left onto Les Buttes and past the finish point on Les Prevosts Road. 

Vazon Circuit

Course Distance: 11 Miles
Start at La Houguette School. Proceed up L’Eree Hill and through filter (Care). Fork left at Sion Chapel to Le Gron Junction and left again through Les Picques, then turn right through Les Prevosts to Hougue Fouque cross-roads, where turn left through Les Vauxbelets to St. Andrews Church and bear left and left again into Talbot Valley. Left again at Kings Mills and then right into Gele Road. Left at coast road junction. Proceed South to L'Eree Hotel and turn left up hill to complete circuit. 

Mont Saint Crit

Start/Finish at Bunker just West of Richmond Kiosk Head to Perelle garage and turn left, left along Grande Rue and then up Le Mont Saint, down the Dos D’Ane and then left into Gele Road, left onto the coast road at the junction with Gele Road and Vazon Coast Road (NOT the slip road)

Frie Baton Long

Start/Finish at crossroads by Clos Landais, head south to Venture Garage junction with L’eree Hill, left to Longfrie crossroads and then on through St Peters Filter to left at Route De Tourelle, left at Les Grons, right at Les Prevosts, left at Hougues Fouques through the Vauxbalets to St Andrews Church, left to Talbot Valley and then Left at Kings Mills, right along Gele Road, left at slip road to Vazon Coast Road, left at Perelle garage, left along Grande Rue and then right up Frie Baton to finish. 

Mont Cuet Crit

Start/Finish at parking area on common, 10m past white sprint line in Jaonneuse Road. Head North past Golf Clubs then left at loophole tower into Les Hures (closed road) to top of mount, then left at end of road into Mont Cuet Road. Continue to four-way junction and turn left back into Jaonneuse Road to finish.

Pleinmont Crit

Start at end of stones on left hand side of Rue de la Triagle, then immediately bear right into Rue des Plains and straight into Rue de la Cloture. Sharp right at end into Rue du Banquet descent and continue uphill into Rue des Valniquets. Follow road road round left bend then turn right just before crest into Rue de la Triagle, follow to finish line.

Hill Climb Courses


COUDRE HILL CLIMB: - Start on coast road and turn left up Coudre. Continue through Les Sages to finish at St.  Peters Church.


L'EREE HILL CLIMB: - Start at Les Adams Chapel and finish at St. Peter's Post Office.


LES VAL DES TERRES HILL CLIMB: - Open Road 849 Yards, Closed Road 830 Yards. Start opposite two parallel manholes 20 metres south of La Vallette junction on hill. Finish by seat at top of hill.


PETIT BOT HILL CLIMB (EAST): - Start near waterfall and proceed up East side of Petit Bot to finish at cottage before junction with Les Pages.


PETIT BOT HILL CLIMB (WEST): - Start at wall of Petit Bot tearooms where the road splits into two. Proceed up the climb to the Manor Hotel where you take a left-handed u-turn into Les Houards and then follow the zigzag through Le Variouf to finish at the farm entrance immediately above the cottages.


ROCQUAINE HILL CLIMB: - Start on Coast Road immediately before corner opposite Imperial Hotel and proceed up Rue de la Viltole and Rue des Portelettes to finish opposite junction with Rue de Mont Herault.


IMPERIAL HILL CLIMB: - Start at the junction opposite the rear entrance of the Imperial Hotel and proceed up Rue des Valniquets, bearing left at the junction with Rue de la Rocque A L’Or to finish at the gateway opposite the junction with Rue de la Trigale.

West Coast 50TT Course

WEST COAST 50 MILES: - Start at the junction of Route de Plaisance/Route de la Tourelle.  Proceed through filter (care) and down L'Eree Hill to turn left at L’Eree Hotel (2 miles). Proceed south to to turn at the Pleinmont lay-by at the mark at the south end of the lay-by (probably marked by a small traffic cone) and proceed to Houmet Tavern where turn through lane around back of Tavern, back past L’Eree Hotel and on towards Pleinmont. Complete three laps of above-described 16-mile loop to finish in line with the bus shelter opposite L’Eree Hotel.